Suravaram Prathap Reddy
"Telangana Vythalikudu"
“Suravaram Prathap Reddy” popularly known as “Telangana Vythalikudu (Torch Bearer)” was a Freedom Fighter, Social Historian, Writer, Poet, Scholar, Social Reformer, Lawyer, Journalist, Editor and Founder of various Socio-Cultural & Educational Organisations. At a time when the Telugu language, culture, and identity, especially in the Nizam / Telangana region was fast disappearing, SPR took it upon himself to revive and rejuvenate it.

About the Trust
Suravaram Prathap Reddy
Sahitya Vyjayanthi Trust
Survaram Prathap Reddy Sahitya Vyjayanthi established in the name of “Suravaram Prathap Reddy” has been actively promoting Telugu Literature, Telugu Language, Education, Culture&Journalism for more than 3 ½ decades. Suravaram Prathap Reddy Sahitya Vyjayanthi.
Currently this committee is headed by Dr.Elluri Shiva Reddy garu and other prominent members along with Family members of Suravaram Prathap Reddy.
Suravaram Prathap Reddy
The Most Popular Books
Suravaram Prathap Reddy was a man of erudite scholarship and yet unpretentious. He authored more than 40 books. Prominent among them being Andhrula Sanghika Charitra (which one him the first-ever Kendra Sahitya Academy Award for Telugu), Ramayana Viseshalu, Hinduvala Pandugalu, Haindava Dharmaveerulu, etc.,
Suravaram Prathap Reddy Sahitya Vyjayanthi Trust
The Trust Aim & Objectives
Promoting Telugu Literature, Telugu Language,
Education, Culture & Journalism.
Emphasise the importance of Telugu and Sanskrit
for nurturing our Cultural Heritage.
Publish and Reprint the Books / Writings of Suravaram Prathap Reddy &
Important books of other Authors to pass on them to future generations.
Recognizing and Rewarding Eminent Telugu Writers with Cash Award,
Citation & Memento at a function.
Encouraging Students to pursue Telugu Language & Motivate them
to engage actively in promoting Telugu Studies and research
Translation of the books into other languages so that
other Language users are benefitted and can be used in research work.